UX Case Study: Redesigning the Sign-In and Onboarding Experience for a Grocery Delivery App

Project Overview

This was a take home design challenge for a mobile UI/animation position.


Design the sign-in and onboarding experience for a grocery delivery app to drive online orders and improve user engagement.


  • High-fidelity visual design comps for the app.

  • Interactive prototype of the sign-in, onboarding, and landing page flow.

Tools: Figma, Photoshop, LottieFiles, Flaticons (for illustrations)

Timeline: 2 days

Research and Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Analyzed popular grocery delivery apps like Instacart, Amazon Fresh, and Walmart Grocery to understand best practices in sign-in and onboarding experiences.

Design Process

1. Wireframes

Wireframes were provided as a starting point with the ability for me to adjust as needed.

2. High-Fidelity Comps


Design Decisions:

  • Adopted a clean, minimalist design.

  • Used a prominent call-to-action button for sign-in and sign-up options.

Visual Elements:

  • Brand colors and logo.

  • Modern typography for readability.

  • Intuitive placement of text fields and buttons.

Onboarding Experience

Design Decisions:

  • Implemented a two-screen onboarding flow to introduce key features:

    1. Welcome screen with brand introduction.

    2. Feature highlights (e.g., easy ordering, fast delivery).

  • Ensured easy access tab bar to main features like shop, cart, and orders.

Visual Elements:

  • Engaging visuals and animation.

  • Concise and compelling copy.

  • Progress indicator to show onboarding steps.

3. Interactive Prototype

Built an interactive prototype using Figma to simulate the user flow from sign-in to the onboarding screens and landing page. The prototype included all interactive elements to demonstrate the seamless transition between screens.


  • Created a presentation deck to showcase the design process, decisions, and final deliverables.

  • Prepared to explain the rationale behind each design choice, the usability testing process, and how feedback was incorporated.



  • Positive feedback on the clean, modern design and intuitive user flow.

  • Appreciated the thorough research and user-centric approach.

  • Constructive criticism on minor elements I didn’t have time to implement, such as a “skip” option during onboarding.

Backlog and future considerations:

  • More flushed out design component system.

  • More animation around adding to cart, special marketing deals (animated icons).

  • Social logins.


This design challenge showcased my ability to critically analyze, design, and prototype a user-centered solution for a grocery delivery app. The final deliverables not only met the assignment requirements but also demonstrated a thorough understanding of user needs, design principles, and iterative improvement processes.


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